Publication Venue Recommendation based on Paper Abstract




Eric Medvet, Alberto Bartoli, Giulio Piccinin


IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), held in Limassol (Cyprus)



Links and material:

Abstract #

We consider the problem of matching the topics of a scientific paper with those of possible publication venues for that paper. While every researcher knows the few top-level venues for his specific fields of interest, a venue recommendation system may be a significant aid when starting to explore a new research field. We propose a venue recommendation system which requires only title and abstract, differently from previous works which require full-text and reference list: hence, our system can be used even in the early stages of the authoring process and greatly simplifies the building and maintenance of the knowledge base necessary for generating meaningful recommendations. We assessed our proposal using a standard metric on a dataset of more than 58000 papers: the results show that our method provides recommendations whose quality is aligned with previous works, while requiring much less information from both the paper and the knowledge base.