I am an associate professor of computer engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA), University of Trieste, Italy.

I am the head of the Evolutionary Robotics and Artificial Life Lab and the co-head of the Machine Learning Lab. I do research on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning, and their application to computer- and engineering-related topics. In the last years, I focused on Grammatical Evolution, a form of Genetic Programming, and on Evolutionary Robotics, in the context of Artificial Life and multi-agent systems.

I am one of the recipients of the Google Faculty Research Awards 2019 (nominated in February 2020). The funded project is on “representations and learning algorithms for highly reconfigurable modular soft robots”.

If you are a student (here at University of Trieste, or from another institution) and want to work with me, have a look at my list of theses proposals and then contact me.

Recent important publications #

  1. Jour Nadizar, Rovito, De Lorenzo, Medvet, Virgolin; An analysis of the ingredients for learning interpretable symbolic regression models with human-in-the-loop and genetic programming; ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization (TELO); 2024
  2. Jour Pigozzi, Nenzi, Medvet; BUSTLE: a Versatile Tool for the Evolutionary Learning of STL Specifications from Data; Evolutionary Computation (ECJ), Q1; 2024
  3. Conf Nadizar, Medvet, Wilson; Naturally Interpretable Control Policies via Graph-based Genetic Programming; 27th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP); 2024 (Best paper award)
  4. Jour Ferigo, Iacca, Medvet, Nadizar; Totipotent Neural Controllers for Modular Soft Robots: Achieving Specialization in Body-Brain Co-Evolution through Hebbian Learning; Neurocomputing, Q1; 2024 (To appear)
  5. Jour Nadizar, Medvet, Nichele, Pontes-Filho; An Experimental Comparison of Evolved Neural Network Models for Controlling Simulated Modular Soft Robots; Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), Q1; 2023
See all publications.