Computer Vision for the blind: a dataset for experiments on face detection and recognition




Sergio Carrato, Stefano Marsi, Eric Medvet, Felice Andrea Pellegrino, Gianni Ramponi, Michele Vittori


39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), held in Opatija (Croatia)



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Abstract #

We present a video dataset created for the needs of a research project that aims at developing vision-based techniques that assist the social interaction of a blind person. Two totally blind users have acquired the sequences, using at the same time a glasses-mounted camera and a necklace-mounted one. The video sequences were acquired in different environments, selecting conditions in which a user could be interested in detecting the presence of some of his/her acquaintances, to approach them in a most natural way. The sequences have been temporally cropped to extract video shots that, by inspection, were deemed to contain events valuable for the goals of the project. The shots are presently being annotated, and some preliminary experiments on face detection have been performed on the annotated data. We also present some observations about the specific application that is being considered.