Final project

For AY 21/22 - Advanced Programming.

Abstract #

Design and develop a server that, based on a text- and message-oriented protocol, takes requests of computation consisting of one or more mathematical expressions and input values and replies with the results.

Specifications #

Domain definitions #

Let $e$ be a mathematical expression composed of the binary operators $O={+,-,\times,\div,\text{pow}}$ and of zero or more named variables $V_e \in V$.

Let $a: V \to \mathbb{R}^*$ be a variable-values function that associates a list of numerical values $a(v) \in \mathbb{R}^*$ with a variable $v$.

Protocol #

Upon connection with a client $C$, the server $S$ performs iteratively these operations:

  1. waits for a request $r$
  2. closes the connection or replies with a response $s$, depending on the content of $r$

Request format #

A request is a line of text with the following format (literal text is shown between double quotes "", regexes between single quotes ''):

Request = QuitRequest
        | StatRequest
        | ComputationRequest

The format of a quit request is:

QuitRequest = "BYE"

The format of a stat request is:

StatRequest = "STAT_REQS"
            | "STAT_AVG_TIME"
            | "STAT_MAX_TIME"

The format of a computation request is:

ComputationRequest = ComputationKind"_"ValuesKind";"VariableValuesFunction";"Expressions
ComputationKind = "MIN"
                | "MAX"
                | "AVG"
                | "COUNT"
ValuesKind = "GRID"
           | "LIST"

A variable-values function can be specified with the following format:

VariableValuesFunction = VariableValues
                       | VariableValuesFunction","VariableValues
VariableValues = VarName":"JavaNum":"JavaNum":"JavaNum
VarName = '[a-z][a-z0-9]*'

and JavaNum is a string that can be correctly parsed to a double using the Java Double.parseDouble() method. A list of expressions can be specified with the following format:

Expressions = Expression
            | Expressions";"Expression
Expression = VarName
           | Num
           | "("Expression""Op""Expression")"
Num = '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?'
Op = "+"
   | "-"
   | "*"
   | "/"
   | "^"
Examples #

Some examples of valid requests are (one per line):

Some examples of not valid requests are:

Response format #

A response is a line of text with the following format:

Response = ErrorResponse
         | OkResponse

The format of an error response is:

ErrorResponse = ERR";"'[^;]*'

The format of an ok response is:

OkResponse = OK";"JavaNum";"JavaNum

where [^;]* does not include new line characters.

Request processing specifications #

If the request $r$ is a quit request, the server $S$ must immediately close the connection with the client $C$.

Otherwise, $S$ must reply with a response $s$. If $s$ is an error response, the part of $s$ following ERR; must be a human-comprehensible, succint textual description of the error. Otherwise, if $s$ is an ok response, the first of two numbers following OK; must be the response time, i.e., the number of seconds $S$ taken to process $r$, with at least 3 digits after the decimal separator (millisecond precision).

Stat requests #

If $r$ is a stat request, $S$ replies with an ok response where the second number is:

  • the number of ok responses served by $S$ (excluding $r$) to all clients since it started, if $r$ is STAT_REQS;
  • the average response time of all ok responses served by $S$ (excluding $r$) to all clients since it started, if $r$ is STAT_AVG_TIME;
  • the maximum response time of all ok responses served by $S$ (excluding $r$) to all clients since it started, if $r$ is STAT_MAX_TIME.

Computation requests #

If $r$ is a computation request, $S$ does the following steps:

  1. parse a variable-values function $a$ from the VariableValuesFunction part of $r$
  2. build a list $T$ of value tuples from $a$, each value tuple specifying one value for each $v$ of the variables for which $a(v)\ne \emptyset$, depending on the ValuesKind part of $r$
  3. parse a non-empty list $E = (e_1, \dots, e_n)$ of expressions from the Expressions part of $r$
  4. compute a value $o$ on $T$ and $E$ depending on the ComputationKind part of $r$

If any of the steps above fails, $S$ replies with an error response. Otherwise $S$ replies with an ok response $s$ where the second number in $s$ is $o$.

Step 1: parsing of VariableValuesFunction to $a$ #

First, a list $I$ of tuples $(v, x_\text{lower}, x_\text{step}, x_\text{upper})$ is obtained by parsing each VariableValues. If, for any tuple, $x_\text{step} \le 0$, the step fails.

Second, $a: V \to \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{R})$ is built as follows: if no tuple for $v$ exists in $I$, then $a(v)=\emptyset$; otherwise, $a(v)= (x_\text{lower}+k x_\text{step}: x_\text{lower}+k x_\text{step} \le x_\text{upper}){}_{k \in \mathbb{N}}$.

Step 2: building of value tuples $T$ from $a$ #

If ValuesKind is GRID, than $T$ is the cartesian product of all the non empty lists in the image of $a$.

Otherwise, if ValuesKind is LIST, if the non empty lists in the image of $a$ do not have the same lenght, the step fails. Otherwise, $T$ is the element-wise merging of those lists.

For example, for an $a$ parsed from x:1:1:3,y:2:2:6:

  • $T=( (1,2), (2,2), (3,2), \dots, (1,6), (2,6), (3,6) )$ if ValuesKind is GRID;
  • $T=( (1,2), (2,4), (3,6) )$ if ValuesKind is LIST.

where x and y are omitted in $T$ elements for brevity.

Step 3: parsing of Expressions to $E$ #

For each Expression token in Expressions, an expression $e$ is built and added to $E$ by parsing the Expression token based on the corresponding context-free grammar. If any of the expression parsing fails, the step fails.

A sample code for performing this step is provided here in the form of a few Java classes. The student may freely get inspiration from or reuse this code.

Step 4: computation of $o$ from $T$ and $E$ #

Let $V_t \in V$ be the set of variables for which a tuple $t$ defines the values and let $e(t) \in \mathbb{R}$ be the value of the expression $e$ for the variables values given by $t$ such that $V_t \supseteq V_e$.


  • if ComputationKind is MIN, $o=\min_{e \in E, t \in T} e(t)$, or the step fails if $\exists e \in E: V_t \not\supseteq V_e$;
  • if ComputationKind is MAX, $o=\max_{e \in E, t \in T} e(t)$, or the step fails if $\exists e \in E: V_t \not\supseteq V_e$;
  • if ComputationKind is AVG, $o=\frac{1}{|T|} \sum_{t \in T} e_1(t)$, or the step fails if $V_t \not\supseteq V_{e_1}$;
  • if ComputationKind is COUNT, $o=|T|$.

Examples of request-response pairs #

Some examples of request-response pairs:

Non-protocol specifications #

The server must:

  • log on the standard output or standard error significant runtime events as:
    • new connection from client
    • disconnection from client
    • errors
  • listen on port $p$ specified as command-line argument
  • handle multiple clients at the same time
  • never terminate, regardless of clients behavior
  • at any time, do at most $n$ computation for processing computation requests at the same time, with $n$ being equal to the number of available processors on the machine where the server is running. Note that the server must still be able to serve more than $n$ clients at the same time.

Moreover, the server must:

  • be a Java application delivered as a .jar named after the student last name and first name in upper camel case notation (e.g., MedvetEric.jar);
  • be executable with the following syntax java -jar MedvetEric.jar $p$ (e.g., java -jar MedvetEric.jar 10000 for $p=10000$)

Delivery of the project #

The student must deliver the project to the teacher within the deadline by email, with a single .zip attachment containing:

  • the .jar file, in the root of the .zip
  • at most one (i.e., optional) pdf with a brief description of key design choices
  • all the source files for the project, properly organized

No tests are required; no documentation is required.